Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lawn Care and Attitude

I've been reading allot lately about attitude and how that affects not just ourselves, but also those around us.  I find it amazing that a person's attitude, basically how they feel or think about something, can affect how our day goes as well.  If you are feeling down and you get around someone who is happy and looks at life with a positive attitude, it can actually help to improve your own mood.  By the same token, the reverse is also true.  We've all met "Negative Nellie".

What does this have to do with lawn care?  Well thanks for asking.  Each year at this time I begin the annual ritual of cleaning up the debris on the lawn from the fall and winter -- leaves, sticks, dirt from along the side of the road, that kind of stuff.  When the job is complete, the lawn looks nice and clean and when it gets warm enough, the grass starts to get green.

For the first few weeks there is a nice green carpet surrounding my house.  If I do nothing else it looks good for a while.  But then my old nemesis returns.  The Dandelion (cue ominous music).  The dandelion, if left to grow, eventually turns into that cute puff ball that kids like to blow everywhere.  Each of those little pieces of fluff carries with it a seed which if left in fertile soil (and sometimes not so fertile soil too), will grow into another dandelion.  If I'm not careful, the whole lawn will be full of them after a while.  But if I work at pulling the stalks before they become flowers, the lawn remains tidy and clear of them.

Now... think of the dandelion as negative thoughts.  We all have them.  The important thing is to remember to deal with these negative thoughts early -- just like the dandelions on the lawn.  If we let our negative thoughts grow they will eventually spread to our whole way of thinking about, and dealing with, the world around us. 

On the other hand, if we can get into the practice of pulling our negative thoughts early and just rethink our position, we can do wondrous things.  Our focus on positive thoughts will affect our attitude and our mood.  Eventually, with enough practice, we will be able to recognize our negative attitude immediately and pull the 'dandelions' so we can have a better attitude.  I'm not saying that by doing this we will never have a bad day.  But if we recognize our attitude towards our life for what it is, a choice, wouldn't you rather choose to be a positive influence on those around you?

The Mental Fitness Challenge

Have you taken the Mental Fitness Challenge?  The MFC is a 90 day program designed to help you improve your life.  Want to be a better partner to your spouse?  Better parent? Need help goal setting?  What about improving your productivity at work? 

It's like a physical, get in shape and loose weight bootcamp -- but for your mind.

It starts with a self assessment in which you answer questions about yourself to gain a picture of areas in your life you may want to work to improve in.  You can then ask friends to take the assessment on your behalf and gain an understanding on how others see you.  You can also ask your friends to take the challenge with you and in doing so, create a community of people who will help each other become better people. This is an exciting opportunity to change your life for the better.  Take the challenge.

If you think you would like to take the challenge, you can head over to my website by clicking here.  From there just hit the Contact Us link and I can help get you started. 

Start Living the Life You've Always Wanted.